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Congratulations on stepping into a life of no limitation, a life where you are the creator of your reality. I wish you good fortune on this journey my friend.
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Your work is yours to do, nobody else can do it for you, and why would you want them to? Doing it for yourself creates ownership which leads to full embodiment to all you have learnt.
It is however a huge boost to your experience to be a part of a tribe of people all moving in the same direction. In this setting we:
If you see your potential as I do, LIMITLESS, then you have found your Family. Being part of a family of like-minded people on a similar track is very powerful.
You will meet people with similar challenges, celebrate breakthroughs together, and discuss questions for deeper understanding. And if you have a really interesting question, you’ll get to interact with the author – he is part of the family, too.
This is the way to go on this wonderful adventure. Not alone, but supported – as part of the Family – by the Family.
My friend and spiritual brother, Nick Bell, aka Esu Nick, has recently completed his book, Reality Unwrapped.
The book shares a series of patterns present in reality that guide and govern our lives.
Aligning with these patterns supports a person’s harmonization with the mirror reality, which we will explore in Rediscovering You Are God.
A global organisation created and run by myself and my four spiritual brothers Alex, Damir, Nick and Boris.
Together we facilitate profoundly transformational experiences at our retreats and other events across Europe.
If you desire a direct experience of the highest states of consciousness, I invite you to join us at our next retreat.
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